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де думали про трансформацію транспортних вантажів

де думали про трансформацію транспортних вантажів

Palisade Panel

Palisade Panel is widely use in the industry. As a commercial fence, using hot formed and cold rolled steel belts to form a secure panel.Palisade Fence can prevent us from most of the intrusions. There are also three types of tops, including “W” profile, “D” profile
and angle iron. Deming Palisade Fence can also prevent crime for the private residents.

Why chose Palisade Panel?

Tubular steel fencing is very sturdy. Its sturdiness comes from a zinc coating (galvanized tubular steel fences) that offers protection from several weather factors (Власник не вимагає регулярно оглядати їх, якщо неспокійний, hail, UV). That, in turn, allows coated tubular fencing to last for many years without deteriorating over time comparing to some other fencing materials, наприклад, timber.

Tubular steel fencing is low-maintenance. Galvanized tubular fences do not require much maintenance. What is even better, having a strong coating does not allow it to crack or warp. Giving your tubular steel fence an occasional wash, 1-2 times a year, is enough to keep it maintained.

Tubular Steel Fence

Tubular steel fencing provides you with many options. Palisade Fence are made out of tubular steel. як німецький, it still offers a variety of design options. If you are interested in tubular steel designs offered by Diamond Fence, contact our friendly fencing team, who will help you out with any fencing inquiries.

Крім того, using tubular steel as a fencing material allows catering to any fencing needs. There are many sizes available. On top of it, there are several tubular steel types to choose from, наприклад, перфорований метал може бути будь-якого розміру панелі, rectangular and circular tubular steel fencing.

Lastly, tubular steel fencing is not only suitable for domestic fencing around your house. It is suitable to be use as tubular pool fencing, brick-infills, pedestrian gates, handrails and driveway gates (sliding or swing gates, automatic or manual gates).

We have mentioned galvanizing as one of the measures to protect tubular steel fences. як німецький, there is another method available to prolong the life span of the tubular steel. It is call powder coating. It is a process during which a free-flowing, dry powder is applied to the base metal. Unlike conventional liquid paint, powder coating is usually applied electrost,atically. Lastly, the steel is cured under heat or ultraviolet light.

Hence, powder coating offers extra protection from environmental factors.

The second most favorite thing about this coating technique is that it allows the customer to choose from many colour options. Meaning, your fence can powder coated into the color that suits your premises and fencing requirements.

Spear Top Pickets Steel Fence, Stain Black Press Point Steel Spear Fence

The Fence Is Constructed Of Steel For Maximum Longevity And Strength, And Craft To Look Like A Traditionally Wrought Iron Fence.

With A Chemically Bonded Powder Coated Finish And Zinc Phosphate Undercoat, A Steel Fence Panel Can Outlast An Aluminium Panel Even In Harsh Conditions.

Steel Construction Allows For Longer Panels Without Sag Under Weight Or Stress, Which Also Allows For Fewer Post Holes And Less Labour.


1, Solid, Форми відкриття, Secure Connections, Structural

2, Natural Beauty: Thick, Of Primitive Simplicity, Clear.

3, Strong Plasticity, Can According To Customer Requirements, To Build Various Specifications And Models Of The Wrought Iron Fence.

4, Installation is Simple, Is Not Limited By Topography Ups And Downs, Suitable For Widespread Use.

5, The Price Is More Affordable


Railway Fencing, Highway Fencing And Site Fencing.

1. Prevents Climbing: Small Openings Mean No Toe Or Finger Hold For Climbing Attempts. No Passing Of Tools Or Weapons Through A Fence.

2. Prevents Cutting: Strong Wire And Welded Joints Make Cutting Very Difficult. Small Mesh Size Prohibits Using Large Tools.

3. Destruction Is Prevente. Small Mesh Prevents The Fence From Brute Force Attacks And Leverage Is Not Allowe.



The garrison fencing is Widely use in villas fence, communities, сади, школи, factories and other flower beds, lawns, промислові та гірничодобувні підприємства, Завдяки цьому захищає від корозії і служить економним варіантом в майбутньому, sports stadiums, convention centres, squares, дороги, balconies, and residential areas use.

Сервіс ABX-Fence

Перед продажами

  1. Впевненість закінчена 98% прохідний показник.
  2. Часте пакування товару 20 робочі дні.
  3. Замовлення OEM, а також ODM прийнятні
  4. Приклади безкоштовних рефералів
  5. Безкоштовний малюнок, а також дизайн відповідно до потреб клієнтів
  6. Безкоштовна якість шукає товар завантаження разом з нашим
  7. 18 онлайн-рішення, зворотний зв'язок всередині 1 годин


Післяпродажне обслуговування

Наше післяпродажне обслуговування починається відразу після підписання угоди.

  1. Незалежно від FOB або CIF умовою ставки є те, що ми зробимо все можливе, щоб знайти найдешевшу вартість вантажу для рекомендацій споживачів.
  2. Зворотній зв'язок з графіком виготовлення та фотографіями щотижня
  3. Тест на налагодження як напівфабрикатів, так і готових виробів, переконайтеся, що всі товари можуть бути налаштовані гладко.
  4. 3-20 роки гарантії на обслуговування залежить від різних елементів, а також від використання налаштування.
  5. зосередитися на відстеженні доставки, сповістити вас в ETA для дуже ранньої організації митного оформлення

Palisade panel is widely use in the industry. As a commercial fence, using hot formed and cold rolled steel belts to form a secure panel.