
Abx باهه ان جي ڊگهي عمر ۽ ڪاميابي کي ان جي اعلي ڪسٽمر سروس ڏانهن منسوب ڪيو آهي, وقف ملازمن, مصنوعات جي ترقي يافته ڄاڻ, ۽ قومي طور تي تسليم ٿيل برانڊز کي باهه ڏيڻ جو ڪم آهي.

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ڊفالٽ ٻولي طور مقرر ڪريو


گهرمصنوعاتاسٽيل جي ڀتPalisade Fence Steel Pipe Fence Steel Privacy Fence Metal Fence Railing Garden Pale Picket

Palisade Fence Steel Pipe Fence Steel Privacy Fence Metal Fence Railing Garden Pale Picket



Palisade Fence

Palisade Fence is widely use in the industry. As a commercial fence, using hot formed and cold rolled steel belts to form a secure panel.Palisade Fence can prevent us from most of the intrusions. There are also three types of tops, includingWprofile, “ڊي” profile
and angle iron. Deming Palisade Fence can also prevent crime for the private residents.

Why chose Palisade Fence?

Tubular steel fencing is very sturdy. Its sturdiness comes from a zinc coating (galvanized tubular steel fences) that offers protection from several weather factors (مالڪ جي ضرورت نه آهي ته انهن کي باقاعدي طور تي ڏسڻ جي صورت ۾ مصروف هجي, hail, UV). That, in turn, allows coated tubular fencing to last for many years without deteriorating over time comparing to some other fencing materials, مثال طور, timber.

Tubular steel fencing is low-maintenance. Galvanized tubular fences do not require much maintenance. What is even better, having a strong coating does not allow it to crack or warp. Giving your tubular steel fence an occasional wash, 1-2 times a year, is enough to keep it maintained.

Tubular Steel Fence

Tubular steel fencing provides you with many options. Palisade Fence ٽيوبلر اسٽيل مان ٺهيل آهن. ٻٽي تار جي باهه هڪ اعلي طاقت ۽ موهيندڙ پيداوار آهي, اهو اڃا تائين مختلف ڊزائن جا اختيار پيش ڪري ٿو. If you are interested in tubular steel designs offered by Diamond Fence, اسان جي دوستانه باهه ٽيم سان رابطو ڪريو, جيڪو توهان جي مدد ڪندو ڪنهن به باه جي پڇا ڳاڇا سان.

ان کان سواء, using tubular steel as a fencing material allows catering to any fencing needs. There are many sizes available. ان جي مٿان, چونڊڻ لاءِ ڪيترائي ٽيوبلر اسٽيل جا قسم آهن, مثال طور, air and sound.punching sheet سڀ کان عام طور تي فلٽريشن ۽ وائنٽيليشن سسٽم ۾ استعمال ڪيو ويندو آهي, مستطيل ۽ گول ٽائلر اسٽيل باڙ.

آخر ۾, tubular steel fencing is not only suitable for domestic fencing around your house. It is suitable to be use as tubular pool fencing, brick-infills, pedestrian gates, handrails and driveway gates (sliding or swing gates, automatic or manual gates).

We have mentioned galvanizing as one of the measures to protect tubular steel fences. ٻٽي تار جي باهه هڪ اعلي طاقت ۽ موهيندڙ پيداوار آهي, there is another method available to prolong the life span of the tubular steel. It is call powder coating. It is a process during which a free-flowing, dry powder is applied to the base metal. Unlike conventional liquid paint, powder coating is usually applied electrost,atically. آخر ۾, the steel is cured under heat or ultraviolet light.

Hence, powder coating offers extra protection from environmental factors.

The second most favorite thing about this coating technique is that it allows the customer to choose from many colour options. Meaning, your fence can powder coated into the color that suits your premises and fencing requirements.

Spear Top Pickets Steel Fence, Stain Black Press Point Steel Spear Fence

The Fence Is Constructed Of Steel For Maximum Longevity And Strength, And Craft To Look Like A Traditionally Wrought Iron Fence.

With A Chemically Bonded Powder Coated Finish And Zinc Phosphate Undercoat, A Steel Fence Panel Can Outlast An Aluminium Panel Even In Harsh Conditions.

Steel Construction Allows For Longer Panels Without Sag Under Weight Or Stress, Which Also Allows For Fewer Post Holes And Less Labour.


1, Solid, وڌايل ڌاتو بغير ويلڊز يا بي طاقت جي آڊيو ساخت ۽ پڻ اعلي سختي آهي, Secure Connections, Structural

2, Natural Beauty: Thick, Of Primitive Simplicity, Clear.

3, Strong Plasticity, Can According To Customer Requirements, To Build Various Specifications And Models Of The Wrought Iron Fence.

4, Installation is Simple, Is Not Limited By Topography Ups And Downs, Suitable For Widespread Use.

5, The Price Is More Affordable


Railway Fencing, Highway Fencing And Site Fencing.

1. Prevents Climbing: Small Openings Mean No Toe Or Finger Hold For Climbing Attempts. No Passing Of Tools Or Weapons Through A Fence.

2. Prevents Cutting: Strong Wire And Welded Joints Make Cutting Very Difficult. ننڍي ميش سائيز وڏين اوزارن کي استعمال ڪرڻ کان منع ڪري ٿي.

3. تباهي کي روڪڻ آهي. ننڍي ميش باهه کي وحشي قوتن جي حملن کان روڪي ٿو ۽ استعمال ڪرڻ جي اجازت ناهي.



گاريسن جي باهه وڏي پيماني تي ولا جي باهه ۾ استعمال ڪئي وئي آهي, برادريون, ڊگهي پائيدار ۽ بجيٽ-دوست سيڪيورٽي باڙ نظام, اسڪول, ڪارخانا ۽ ٻيا گلن جا بسترا, لان, صنعتي ۽ کان کني enterprises, گرم ڊيپ ٿيل GI زنجير لنڪ وائر فينسنگ اسٽيل آهي جيڪو ختم ٿيل مواد جي غسل ۾ ڊبو آهي, راندين جا اسٽيڊيم, ڪنوينشن سينٽر, چورس, رستا, بالڪونيون, ۽ رهائشي علائقن جو استعمال.

ABX-Fence سروس

وڪرو ڪرڻ کان اڳ

  1. اطمينان ختم 98% پاس ڪرڻ جي شرح.
  2. بار بار سامان ۾ پيڪنگ 20 ڪم وارا ڏينهن.
  3. OEM سان گڏو گڏ ODM حڪم قابل قبول
  4. حوالا مفت لاءِ مثال
  5. مفت ڊرائنگ ۽ گراهڪ جي ضرورتن مطابق ڊزائين پڻ
  6. مفت معيار اسان سان گڏ سامان جي لوڊشيڊنگ ڳولي رهيا آهن
  7. 18 ڪلاڪ آن لائن حل, موٽ اندر 1 ڪلاڪ


سيلز سروس کان پوء

اسان جي بعد-سيلز سروس صحيح معاهدي تي دستخط ڪرڻ کان پوء شروع.

  1. قطع نظر FOB يا CIF جي شرح جي اصطلاح اسان کي يقيني طور تي ڪوشش ڪنداسين ته اسان کي ڳولڻ جي ڪوشش ڪنداسين سستي سامان جي قيمت صارفين جي سفارش لاء.
  2. هر هفتي پيداوار جي ٽائيم ٽيبل ۽ فوٽوز جي راءِ
  3. سيٽ اپ ٽيسٽ لاءِ نيم تيار ٿيل ۽ گڏوگڏ ختم ٿيل مصنوعات, تصديق ڪريو سڀ سامان آساني سان سيٽ ڪري سگھن ٿا.
  4. 3-20 سال جي خدمت وارنٽي مختلف شين تي منحصر آهي ۽ انهي سان گڏ سيٽنگ جو استعمال ڪرڻ.
  5. پهچائڻ جي ٽريڪنگ تي ڌيان ڏيڻ, توهان کي اطلاع ڏيو ETA تمام جلد ترتيب ڏيڻ لاءِ ڪسٽم ڪليئرنس

Palisade Fence is widely use in the industry. As a commercial fence, using hot formed and cold rolled steel belts to form a secure panel.